scrittori olandesi e fiamminghi





Dutch and Flemish literature, literary works written in the standard language of the Low Countries since the Middle Ages. It is conventional to use the term Dutch when referring to the language spoken by the people of the modern Netherlands, and Flemish when referring to that spoken by the Belgians who use the same language. This is inaccurate and many scholars would argue that Dutch and Flemish are dialects of a single language.


www.erasmusassocult.it  - associazione culturale lingua nederlandese







Dutch Literature
The Nineteenth Century. After he resplendency of Bilderdijk, a new period of Dutch literature begins with the 19th. century. Jakob van Lennep (1802-68), poet, dramatist, and ROMANcer, has been called the "Dutch Sir Walter ScottHe was followed by Mrs. Bosboom-Toussaint Schimmel, and a host of other excellent writers. In the work of Nikolaas Beets (1814-1903), who is reckoned the greatest Dutch humorist, the influence both of Scott and of Dickens may be seen. Edward Dekker (1820-87) known by his pen name of "Multatuli"is celebrated outside of the Netherlands for his ROMANce, Max Havelaar, in which he attacked Dutch rule in Java.
The novel is still the most representative phase of Dutch literature. Adele Opzoomer (A.S.C. Wallis) and Louis Couperus are both well-known authors of popular stories. Among several poets who have attained distinction since 1880 are the lyrist Helene Lapidoth-Swarth, M.Emants, and F. Van Eeden, the last a writer of both lyrics and drama. The feminist writer and novelist, Jo van Ammers-Kuller, wrote many novels, short stories and plays, some of which became popular outside the Netherlands. Her writings include The House of Joy and Rebel Generation.


Dutch festival poets  dal 1970
Dutch section  ... the Poetry International Festival  Rotterdam . In addition to general information, the site also furnishes new translations of the poems of Tsead Bruinja, Judith Herzberg, Anne Vegter, Frank Koenegracht, Gerrit Komrij, Erik Menkveld, and Peer Wittenbols. As is customary, the translation is presented alongside the original text. More poems will be added . 

poeta nazionale per unire il paese
arriva la poesia per riavvicinare le comunità di fiamminghi e valloni in Belgio.
debutta  il primo "
Poeta Nazionale" che resterà in carica due anni con il compito di comporre almeno 6 poemi l'anno su temi '"belgi", che verranno tradotti in tutte le lingue nazionali del paese - neerlandese, francese e tedesco.
il fiammingo
Charles Ducal, nato a Lovanio nel 1952 è attualmente uno dei principali poeti del Paese, attivo dal 1987 e noto per componimenti di forma classica che trattano di conflitti interiori ma con un'attenzione per l'impegno sociale. Insomma, proprio quella che sembra la metafora perfetta della situazione belga: un unico paese in cui si consuma da decenni un conflitto interiore tra le sue due anime, quella fiamminga, di origine olandese, e quella vallona e francofona, senza dimenticare la piccola e spesso ignorata comunità germanofona.
Non è la prima volta che il Belgio si affida alla poesia per unire il paese: nel 1899 c'era già stato un "poeta nazionale": il letterato
Emile Verhaeren, un fiammingo che scriveva in francese .

sda-ats - swissinfo.ch - www.poetelaureat.be - 2014

leonard nolens 1947

I have a love who’s as old as my self.
She cannot die as long as I’m not dead.
She so likes being burdened by my name.
She publishes my flesh and blood till it’s all gone.
She hawks outdated news of me around the world
And blindly sorts the lines I never understood.
I have a love, she’s always in danger
And can only leave when I don’t know the way.
The road that we are on, we roll it slowly up
Into a stone. We’ll lay it one day on our grave.

leonard nolens

Today five billion people said I
With a kiss, a razor blade,
a plate of spaghetti, a shot.
It made a difference to me.
It made me five billion times I.
We call that reality. It has no name.
Last night five billion people cried you.
In letters, in the street, in pubs, in beds, on bridges.
It made a difference to me. It made me five billion.
We call that world. The world. It has no name.
But I am it. I’m it five billion times.
The world is always five billion times I.
Reality is always five billion.
Today five billion people said me.
Sono sempre in cammino.
Non trovo quiete in me
ho paura quando senti i miei passi lenti
bruciare le fredde mattonelle del tuo corridoio.
La porta s’apre.
Bacianti e mute le tue labbra
esplorano l’uomo cupo che in silenzio
ti sta blaterando poesie d’amore.
Dagli il tuo letto.
Lascia tutte le porte socchiuse.
Leon Helena Sylvain Nolens - Bree 11 April 1947 - pseudonym Leonard Nolens is a Belgian poet and diary writer.         Nolens lives and works in Antwerp.   Themes in his writings include love and ways to escape ones identity.

Leonard Nolens    -   considerato il massimo poeta fiammingo della sua generazione, nasce nel 1947 a Bree e risiede a Berchem Anversa. ... uno dei più grandi prosatori della letteratura neerlandese, ma anche un memorialista di statura europea. PRIMO PREMIO LETTERATURA OLANDESE 2012.
    -     www.viadelvento.it/catalogo/MS_243.html


Hugo Claus 


I miei versi stanno ancora lì

e sbadigliano un po’
Non mi ci abituo mai.

Hanno vissuto ormai fin troppo a lungo

Li mando fuori da casa mia

non voglio aspettare
finché si raffreddano le dita dei loro piedi
Non disturbato dai loro grandi

ed impuri lamenti
voglio sentire il ronzio del sole
o quello del cuor mio

 quella spugna traditrice che indurisce

Hugo Claus



Mijn verzen staan nog wat te gapen.
Ik word dit nooit gewoon.

Zij hebben hier lang
genoeg gewoond.
Genoeg. Ik stuur ze ’t huis uit,

ik wil niet wachten
tot hun tenen koud zijn.
Ongehinderd door hun onhelder misbaar
wil ik het gegons van de zon horen
of dat van mijn hart, die verraderlijke

spons die verhardt.

traduzione di bart van den bossche



Charles Ducal  1952


Vindt je vrouw dit leuk? vroeg de vriend
aan wie hij zijn verzen liet lezen.
Hij zocht een excuus. Het was er niet.
Er stond wat er stond. Met reden.
Toch bleef hij en wist niet waarom.
Hij miste niet langer het stof op de wegen
en verre vrouwen alleen voor de vorm.
Ik heb je lief. Hij sprak het uit in de leegte,
want als zij keek klonk het dik op de tong,
als een excuus voor jarenlang gewenning.
Toch was zij de enige die niet volstond.
Poëzie is een daad van ontkenning.


Charles Ducal 

And Yet

Does your wife like this? asked a friend
whom he had let read through his verses.
He looked for an excuse. There wasn't one.
What was there was there. For good reason.
And yet he stayed and didn't know why.
He no longer missed the dust of the roads
and distant women just for their form.
I love you. He said out loud into the void,
for when she looked it sounded overstated
as an excuse for years of being spoiled.
And yet she alone could not be satisfied.
Poetry is an act of negation.


Charles Ducal
Evening Prayer

Wind and rain closed the windows
We sat kneeling by the hearth
in the religion we would inherit.
The woman who bore us
cast spells to make us small.
Her voice droned dully on our necks.
We sat mute, newly initiated.
The man who had begotten us
raised his hand. We offered our heads.
He imprinted his thumb in our brains.
Wind and rain bombarded the dream.
Under the bed, wolves and witches slept.

translated by kendall dunkelberg

Judith Herzberg 1934
Comfort for Rosa

Words of comfort
for the sixteen-year-old who grumbles
that in that far-off land
she finds so few who care to know
about the sparkling of her very soul:
go on expeditions
to make discoveries
not to be discovered
Their soul minds their house.



leestafel poëzie

Jan Theuninck 1954










tomas transtromer



Hella S. Haasse 1918-2011



Cees Nooteboom  1933



Peer Wittenbols  1965


Bertus Aafjes 1914-1993
Adriaan Roland Holst 1888-1976
Joost van den Vondel  1587-1679





Anne Vegter 1958
from the country

I liked to purchase cheese.
I bought a cheese at D., cheese-village D.
Then everything shut down in D.

as if time was up.
I turned up in time for the cheese, fine.
It turned out spring-cheese.
I chewed as I drank, and left D.

blotto on cheese.
Outside I knew a tree.
I waved the spring-cheese,

strange goings-on.
Thank god it was Alder,

a common, common, common tree.

Frank Koenegracht 1945

All the cars in the rain
whizzing past my window,
headlights on,
passing along the bend in the road,
I hope they are on their way somewhere
and are all different cars
and not a series
being sent round and round
over and over again for no reason
by the same invisible madman.


Gerrit Komrij  1944

An open space of square. Night’s fallen fast.
The whole day long I’ve walked down

narrow alleys
Where dazedly I’ve thought about my past:
Ash, dust and sawdust – such a woeful tally.
An open space, at last. A chiming bell.
Like some old etching lies the city square,
With scores of alleys drawn into its spell.
Arch, gateway, statue – everything is there.
The gleaming marble’s listlessly approached.
The moon is full – does her awaited stint.
An owl hoots. Distant barking’s faintly broached.
I see my mother standing on the plinth.




Erik Menkveld  1959

See us standing successfully here: a seasoned
wearer of a petrol-blue skirt,
a lilac bodice that cups her breasts like
an open calix, with studied childlike mouth
in conversation with a sparkling sharp piece
in deux-pièce, small

cape of shot-silk rose-orange organza,
primly salacious side-slit, with strutting tongue –
two yakkety-yakkers,

these old show-off chassis, well spotlit
on the softish underbelly,

unself-insightfully ready
to taxi beetle-like or formerly
jumbo-lumbering to the good-natured cracking
of oyster shells or other chit-chat.
Oh, seldom harboured heart-depths! Oh, long-flown
career-start with self-selected lady’s jacket
over office chair and view of inner courtyard
surrounded by glass, Japanese
conifers, white cobbles, small fountain .
. .




  testo olandese a fronte


roggeman willem m.  -     testo neerlandese a fronte


La poesia sud-neerlandese o fiamminga ha conosciuto due momenti di splendore: nell'età medioevale e nel secolo compreso tra il secondo Ottocento e il primo Novecento. La nostra antologia presenta sei eminenti lirici di quest'ultimo periodo. Apre la rassegna il sommo Guido Gezelle, la voce più alta espressa dal genio lirico neerlandese. Poeta di assoluto rilievo fu anche il simbolista e decadente Karel van de Woestijne, insuperato fabbro del parlar materno. Il dadaismo europeo trovò in Neerlandia il massimo esponente nel mitico Paul van Ostaijen, mentre si collega evidentemente all'espressionismo di marca austriaca lo struggente canto elegiaco di Maurice Gilliams. Da non dimenticare, infine, Jan van Nijlen e Richard Minne.

libri.dvd.it   -   donnamoderna.bol.it    -    lettere.unipd.it




















