Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac
giovane scrittore si firmava john kerouac
The beauty of things must be that they end ... We are nothing - Tomorrow we may be die - We are nothing - You and me ... Since beginningless time and into the never-ending future, men have loved women without telling them, and the Lord has loved them without telling, and the void is not the void because there’s nothing to be empty of . ... I'll go to the south of Sicily in the winter and paint memories of Arles - I'll buy a piano and Mozart me that - I'll write long sad tales about people in the legend of my life - This part is my part of the movie, let's hear yours ... love is a completely endless thing, it’s the April row when feelers reach for everything tristessa < |
Così io separo le mie frasi come se fossero
respiri diversi della mente paris review - interview 1968 ... that's how i therefore separate my sentences, as breath separations of the mind |
big drinkling & piano parties - christmas come and gone |
A scene should be selected by the writer for haunted-ness-of-mind interest . If you're not haunted by something, as by a dream, a vision, or a memory, which are involuntary, you're not interested or even involved . ...
I must believe in the
lives of people & the history of their reality - I must become a
historian - observe their history of society & write histories of the world
in wild hallucinated places I have seen, written for angels not the the
publishers & readers - a complete history of my complete inner life
. |
All I want book of sketches |
Ce n'è ancora, di strada
The sight of the canyon down there as we
An awful realization that I have been fooling myself all my life thinking there was a next thing to do to keep the show going and actually I'm just a sick clown and so is everybody else . ... It’ll take you eternities to get rid of me,’ she adds sadly, which makes me jealous, I want her to say I’ll never get rid of her – I wanta be chased till eternity till I catch her . ... It always makes me proud to love the world somehow- hate's so easy compared . Mi rende sempre orgoglioso amare il mondo in qualche modo - è così facile in confronto . ... It’s just amazing how inside our own souls we can lift out so much strength I think it would be enough strength to move mountains at that, to lift our boots up again and go clomping along happy out of nothing but the good source power in our bones . ... take it easy, everything’s okay, don’t take things too serious, it’s bad enough as it is without you going the deep end over imaginary conceptions . ...
I feel guilty for
being a member
- Se non mi do una mossa subito
sono spacciato - negli ultimi tre anni di disperazione ubriaca una disperazione fisica e spirituale e metafisica che non si può imparare a scuola per quanti libri si leggano
sull'esistenzialismo o sul pessimismo ... Something good will come out of all things yet - And it will be golden and eternal just like that - There's no need to say another word . ... And it’s finally only in the woods you get that nostalgia for ' cities ' at last, you dream of long gray journeys to cities where soft evenings'll unfold like Paris but never seeing how sickening it will be because of the primordial innocence of health and stillness in the wilds - so I tell myself ' Be Wise ' . ... You dont have to torture your consciousness with endless thinking . ... because if I dont write what actually I see happening in this unhappy globe which is rounded by the contours of my deathskull I think I’ll have been sent on earth by poor God for nothing . ... Se non scrivo quello che vedo effettivamente accadere su questo globo infelice racchiuso nei contorni del mio teschio penserò che il povero Dio mi abbia mandato sulla terra per niente . ...
il mare non parlava per frasi ma per versi
Happy Just in my swim shorts, barefooted, wild-haired, in the red fire dark, singing, swigging wine, spitting, jumping, running - that's the way to live . All alone and free in the soft sands of the beach by the sigh of the sea out there, with the Ma-Wink fallopian virgin warm stars reflecting on the outer channel fluid belly waters . And if your cans are redhot and you can't hold them in your hands, just use good old railroad gloves, that's all . . the dharma bums . |
You can't live in this world but there's nowhere else to go ... Ignorance is the absence of enlightenment ... One man practicing kindness in the wilderness is worth all the temples this world pulls ... there's nothing better in the world than a roll-your-own deeply enjoyed without hurry ... |
It was all completely serious all completely hallucinated all completely happy ... Who can leap the world's ties and sit with me among white clouds ? ... The silence was an intense roar the dharma bums |
Meglio dormire libero in un letto
scomodo che dormire prigioniero in un letto comodo Better to sleep in an uncomfortable bed free than sleep in a comfortable bed unfree ... Sai, per me una montagna è come un Buddha . Pensa alla pazienza, centinaia di migliaia di anni a star lì sedute nel più perfetto perfettissimo silenzio come se pregassero per tutti gli esseri viventi in quel silenzio e semplicemente aspettassero la fine di tutto il nostro agitarci e dimenarci . i vagabondi del dharma - dharma bums |
A real h a i k u 's
gotta be as simple as porridge and yet make you see the real thing, like the
greatest haiku of them all probably is the one that goes 'The sparrow hops
along the veranda, with wet feet . By Shiki . You see the
wet footprints like a vision in your mind and yet in those few words you
also see all the rain that's been falling that day and almost smell the wet
pine needles . ... The world was upsidedown hanging in an ocean of endless space and here were all these people sitting in theatres watching movies . ... Who knows, the world might wake up and burst out into a beautiful flower of Dharma everywhere . ... I have never met such weird yet serious and earnest people . ... The human bones are but vain lines dawdling - the whole universe a blank mold of stars . ... Don’t be a sucker all your life, dummy up, ya dope . ... i wish the whole world was dead serious about food instead of silly rockets and machines and explosives using everybody's food money to blow their heads off anyway . ... Then I suddenly had the most tremendous feeling of the pitifulness of human beings, whatever they were, their faces, pained mouths, personalities, attempts to be gay, little petulances, feelings of loss, their dull and empty witticisms so soon forgotten : Ah, for what ? I knew that the sound of silence was everywhere and therefore everything everywhere was silence . Suppose we suddenly wake up and see that what we thought to be this and that, ain't this and that at all? I staggered up the hill, greeted by birds, and looked at all the huddled sleeping figures on the floor. Who were all these strange ghosts rooted to the silly little adventure of earth with me ? And who was I ? . the dharma bums |
When you feel depressed and you wanta go here, wanta
go there, remember Mind Essence; the world, like dreams, will never come
true . Operate on Intuition, Rest and Be Happy .
It's all in your head what happens so you might as well think happiness . ... advice to lovers - don’t hang around with a woman and pretend to be indifferent - but assure every moment that you’re madly in love with her, then cut out - then she’ll KNOW you’re indifferent . ... I have the right ideas, but my words are too ... complicated . I need to simplify them, so that people won't get lost in the dark when they see and hear them . I want them to shine like beacons of light in a world of overly complicated darkness . One day I will find the right words and they will be simple . . Soon I'll find the right words, they'll be very simple . ... My witness is the empty sky . My reward is the perfect blue sky at dawn in the desert in a bird-resounding riverbottom grove . the dharma bums__some of the dharma |
vedo cio che le porte - aperte o chiuse - mi consentono di vedere |
Gli uomini mortali non possono odiarsi possono solo essere colpevoli di amare se stessi diari |
sembra che io abbia una costituzione che non regge l'alcol e ancor di meno l'idiozia e l'incoerenza diari
LA FELICITA CONSISTE NEL REALIZZARE CHE E' TUTTO UN GRANDE STRANO SOGNO happiness consists in realizing it is all a great strange dream ... I get furious at the world with its goddam rules ... Lowell continues to haunt me so it’s a whole intact Shakespearean universe in itself book of dreams |
I hope it is true that a man can die and yet not only live in others but give them life and not only life, but that great consciousness of life
Spero sia vero che un uomo può morire e non solo
vivere negli altri, ma dare loro vita e non solo vita, ma anche
quella grande coscienza della vita .
on the road - otr the road is life ... And this was really the way that my whole road experience began, and the things that were to come are too fantastic not to tell . ... L'inizio del nostro viaggio fu misterioso e spruzzato di pioggia . Si capiva che sarebbe stato un'unica grande saga di nebbia . ' Iouuu ! ' strillò Dean . ' Si parte ! ' . Si chinò sul volante e schiacciò l'acceleratore; era di nuovo nel suo elemento, si vedeva benissimo . Eravamo tutti felici, ci rendevamo conto che ci stavamo lasciando alle spalle confusione e assurdità per compiere l'unica e nobile funzione che avevamo a quel tempo, a n d a r e . ... Non li vidi per circa due settimane, durante le quali cementarono i loro rapporto portandolo a diaboliche proporzioni di giorno-e-notte . Poi venne la primavera, il momento migliore per viaggiare, e tutti nella banda dispersa si preparavano a questo o quel viaggio . Io lavoravo assiduamente al mio romanzo e quando arrivai a metà, dopo un viaggio nel Sud con la zia per far visita a mio fratello Rocco, mi preparai ad andare a Ovest per la prima volta . ... The bus roared on . I was going home in October Everybody goes home in October ... Some's bastards, some's ain't - That's the score ... I looked up at the dark sky and prayed to God for a better break in life and a better chance to do something for the little people I loved ... I hope you get where you're going, and be happy when you do it ... there was nowhere to go but everywhere so just keep on rolling under the stars ... non c'era posto dove non si annoiasse e non c'era posto dove andare se non dappertutto non c'era altro da fare che vagare sotto le stelle - le stelle del west di solito ... Isn't it true that you start your life as a sweet child believing in everything under his father's roof ... ... You can't teach the old maestro a new tune ... The best teacher is experience and not through someone’s distorted point of view ... The road must eventually lead to the whole world . Ain’t nowhere else it can go - right ? ... He knew the road would get more interesting, especially ahead, always ahead ... Nothing behind me everything ahead of me as is ever so on the road ... Soon it got dusk, a grapy dusk
a purple dusk over
tangerine groves and long melon fields; the sun the color of
pressed grapes, slashed with burgandy red, the fields the color
of love and Spanish mysteries .
Oh, smell the people !
yelled Dean with his face out the window, sniffing.
Ah, God ! Life !
Emotionlessly she kissed me ... So I went up and there she was the girl with the pure and innocent dear eyes that I had always searched for and for so long . We agreed to love each other madly . ... And never really thought I'd amount to anything . It was precisely what I wanted the whole world to think; then I could sneak in, if that's what they wanted, and sneak out again, which I did . ... My aunt once said the world would never find peace
until men fell at their women's feet and asked for forgiveness. But Dean
knew this; he'd mentioned it many times . ... Remember that I believe in you I’m infinitely sorry for the foolish grievance I held against you yesterday afternoon .
everything was behind him, and ahead of him was the ragged and
ecstatic joy of pure being .
... Nevertheless we understood each other on all levels of madness ...
Sure baby, mañana . It was
always mañana
SAL ...
going 'till we get there
> sal paradise : pseudonimo di jk <
parte III - cap 10
Something, someone
some spirit was
pursuing all of us across the desert of life and was bound to catch
us before we reached heaven . Naturally, now that I look
back on it, this is only death: death will overtake us before heaven
For the first time in my life
the weather was not something
that touched me that caressed me
froze or sweated me
but became me
And for just a moment I
had reached the point of ecstasy All I had to do was lean back and relax my soul and roll on ... Pass here and go on, you're on the road to heaven
on the road
- the original scroll <<<
A w w w ! <<< -
Jack Kerouac
reads On The Road Audiobook with English
Cercate la vostra anima andate a fiutare il vento andate via lontano |
Prima ondata di freddo decembrino - non s’ode Un grillo |
while walking on the waterfront in the angelic streets I suddenly wanted to
tell you how wonderful I think you are. Please don't dislike me.
What is the mystery of the world ?
Nobody knows they're angels . God's angels are ravishing
and fooling me . I saw a whore
and an old man in a lunchcart, and God – their faces ! I
wondered what God was up to . In the subway I almost
jumped up to yell, " What was that for ? What's
going on up there ? What do you mean by that ? "
Jesus, Allen, life ain't worth the candle, we all know it, and almost
everything is wrong, but there's nothing we can do about it, and living is
heaven. Well, here we are in heaven . This is what heaven is like. jack kerouac to allen ginsberg < - january 13, 1950 - fb/allenginsberg 2019 |
Devo essere felice o morire perché la mia condizione terrena è piena di una tristezza insostenibile
e io do la colpa a Dio anziché a me stesso
Tutti gli altri sono
assolutamente soddisfatti |
life is drenched in spirit - it rains spirit - we would suffer were it not
so |
So therefore I dedicate myself to my art -
my sleep - my dreams - my labors - my
suffrances - my loneliness - my unique madness
- my endless absorption and hunger because I cannot dedicate myself to
any fellow being - jk |
Non usare il telefono |
Don't use the phone People are never ready to answer it Use poetry Take pen and paper and scribble words so utterly moving that whosoever reads them believes that the world is shaking and that, somewhere, mountains are crumbling . fb/jk |
Merry Christmas zings
in the air … the central pine and pain of my aching desire, the
real Christmas is hiding somewhere from me, and it is still,
it is holy, it is dark, it is insane . jk - home at christmas - fb/jk |
I have the persistent feeling that I'm going to
die soon, only the feeling,
no real I think wish or ' premonition ', I feel like I've
done wrong, to myself the most wrong, I'm throwing away something that I
can't even find in the incredible clutter of my being but its going out with
the refuse en masse, buried in the middle of it, every now and then I get a
glimpse. I get so sick thinking of the years I wasted ... |
While he is best known for his
novels, Kerouac is also noted for his poetry written during the Beat
movement. Kerouac stated that he wanted "to be
considered as a jazz poet blowing a long blues in an afternoon jazz session
on Sunday." . Everything . Other
well-known poems by Kerouac, such as "Bowery Blues"
incorporate jazz rhythm with Buddhist themes of
Sangsara, the cycle of life and subsequent
death, and Samadhi, the concentration of composing the mind. .
The story of man All our best men are
laughed at in this nightmare land . Questo mondo non ha tracce, segni o evidenza eppure
ascolta attento l’eterno ssst del silenzio |
Forgive everyone
for yr own sins . Voglio essere considerato
un poeta jazz
in una
session Colgo 242 strofe - i miei pensieri cambiano e a volte rotolano tra strofa e strofa o dalla metà dell’una a quella della successiva . . I want to be considered a jazz poet blowing a long blues in an afternoon jam session on Sunday . I take 242 choruses - my ideas vary and sometimes roll from chorus to chorus or from halfway through a chorus to halfway into the next nota in mexico city blues - 242 choruses - 1959 .
being crazy is
essere pazzo è book of blues . Don't break your tenderness mexico city blues - .
Kerouac calls himself a jazz poet There is no doubt about his great sensitivity to language. His sentences frequently move into
tempestuous sweeps and whorls and sometimes they have something of the rich
music of Gerard Manley Hopkins of Dylan Thomas .
the new york herald tribune - mexico city blues . |
A Natale mi portarono
una cassetta giocattolo
... '
Non devi preoccuparti della morte . .
Tra l’altro, a proposito della mia idiosincrasia nei
confronti dei punti c’è la prosa molto sperimentale di October in the
Railroad Earth - scritto con l’intento di
riprodurre per tutto il libro il rumore di un treno a vapore che trasporta
un centinaio di automobili e un vagone del personale parlante in coda. Era
quello il mio modo di scrivere all’epoca e può esserlo ancora se
- quando scrivo spedito - il
pensiero è confessionale e puro ed entusiasta della vita che si porta
dentro. |
in Arte F CK "F CK J CK" |
![]() ARTIST QUEST NINE - spring 2024 LOWELL_MA_USA |
kerouac centennial 1922 - 2022 fb/allenginsberg |
Here I was at the end of America ... no more land ... and nowhere to go but back |
New York
Public Library |
You see, my heart resides in a typewriter and I don’t have a heart unless there’s a typewriter somewhere nearby, with a chair in front of it and some blank sheets of paper .
atop an underwood : early stories and other writings
I can’t type like I
used to his last typewriter - correspondance with allen ginsberg with a photo annotated by jack - a signed pencil drawing of his nephew 'lil paul' - family photos - articles and clothing fb/jk - 2020 |
Qual è la tua strada amico ? What's your road,
man ? - holyboy road, madman road, rainbow road, guppy road, any ro It's an anywhere road for anybody anyhow . Where body how ? we nodded in the rain . neal cassady as dean moriarty in on the road - original scroll
It was with a great deal of silly
relief that these people let us off the car at the corner of 27th and
Federal . Our battered suitcases were piled on the
sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go . But no matter,
the road is life . ma che importava, la strada è la vita . on the road
maggio 1968_2018 - 50 anni beat generation |
Jack Kerouac passed away 51 years ago today .
On that first night Allen wrote in his
Journal : At dusk I went out to the pasture & saw thru Kerouac’s eyes the sun set on October universe, the first sun set on the first dusk after his death . fb/ag - 21.10.2020 al tramonto sono andato al pascolo & ho visto attraverso gli occhi di Kerouac il sole tramontare sull’universo di ottobre, il primo calar del sole al primo tramonto dopo la sua morte . |
... but the beat characters after 1950 vanished
into jails and madhouses or were shamed into silent conformity the generation itself was shortlived and small in number JK - fb/beatpoemsontheroad |
jean louis lebris de kerouac lowell - massachusetts 12 MARZO 1922 st.petersburg - florida 21 OTTOBRE 1969
mozzo - parcheggiatore - frenatore in una compagnia ferroviaria - benzinaio
- lavapiatti - raccoglitore cotone - guardia forestale e notturna -
avvistatore di incendi -
vagabondo per gli Stati Uniti, si stabilirà prevalentemente a san francisco,
patria di tutti gli artisti. con 'on the road' i giovani - beat-generation -
troveranno in lui qualcuno in cui rispecchiarsi e che si occuperà sempre di
loro. le sue poesie hanno ridato vitalità e movimento alla lingua parlata,
seguendo l'onda dei suoni.
menestrello del suo tempo ha ispirato anche bob dylan.