ru pi
ka ur |
your mother .
sometimes .
sei nata con la debolezza di .
magari non sei stato il mio primo amore .
non voglio averti .
nulla è più sicuro .
in giorni pag 72 - rupi kaur . fall in love with your solitude .
you cannot leave fb/rk - 28.11.2018
. what i miss most is how you loved me . but what i didn't know was how you loved me had so much to do with the person i was. it was a reflection of everything i gave you. coming back to me. how did i not see that. how. did i sit here soaking in the idea that no one else would love me that way. when it was i that taught you. when it was i that showed you how to fill. the way i needed to be filled. how cruel i was to myself. giving you credit for my warmth simply because you had felt it. thinking it was you who gave me strength. wit. beauty. simply because you recognized it. as if i was already not these things before i met you. as if i did not remain all these things after you left. fb/rk -12.9.2019
. milk and honey
milk and honey - Una poesia breve, vissuta e schietta che affronta temi imprescindibili come il femminismo, l’amore, il trauma e la guarigione in versi che scorrono veloci come musica. the new york times .
7 years ago today i self-published ‘milk
and honey’ while starting my last year in university.
✨2024 ‘milk and honey’ agenda ✨ . |
li tratti come se .
voglio scusarmi con tutte le donne .
so che è difficile .
se non basti e te stessa non basterai mai a qualcun altro .
tu sei il vago confine .
sboccia magnificamente pericolosamente rumorosamente sboccia dolcemente o come vuoi ma sboccia .
it takes grace .
the thing about
having .
your name is the strongest positive and negative connotation in any language it either lights me up or leaves me aching for days pag 67 -rupi kaur .
you must .
il guarire .
voglio restare tanto .
mi guardi e gridi .
love will come .
l'amore verrà . |
punjabi ਰੂਪੀ ਕੌਰ - october 4, 1992 - queen of the i n s t a p o e t s the term 'insta poet' is often touted when describing rupi. i asked what her thoughts were . she responded :
. it depends on the connotation, there's
some people that have used it positively because they're like : 'oh
this is incredible because i never read poetry but feel this in my
heart and i saw it through a platform that i used all the time' -
and then there's the other consideration where : 'this is insta
poetry and not real poetry' - that's interesting because i think
it's demeaning to my readers. many of whom are young women .
. . nella scrittura di rupi kaur non ci sono maiuscole quando comincio a
scrivere poesia alle superiori ho un profondo desiderio di scrivere
nella mia lingua madre. c’è bellezza nel suo disegno.
la gurmukhi è una scrittura punjabi che usa
solo il punto. nessun altro segno d’interpunzione. tutte le
lettere sono trattate allo stesso modo.
nessuna distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole. mi piace questa
semplicità. quant’è simmetrica e assolutamente inequivocabile. per un
po’ cerco di scrivere poesia in punjabi. ma non ci riesco perché non so
utilizzare questa lingua in modo abbastanza viscerale. mi domando cosa
accadrebbe se includessi alcune sue caratteristiche nelle mie opere in
inglese. solo punti. tutto in minuscolo.
è così che nasce la forma visiva di
milk and honey. omaggio alla sua prima lingua, il gurmukhi, considerato sacro : nella scrittura gurmukhi tutte le lettere sono trattate allo stesso modo.
mi piace questa
semplicità. questa simmetria e questo andare sempre avanti. è una
rappresentazione visuale di quello che vorrei vedere più spesso nel
mondo: uguaglianza. per proteggere questi piccoli dettagli della mia
lingua li includo in quest’altra lingua ... .
trovi che il messaggio della poesia sia
potenziato o annacquato dal mezzo social network ? She inherited her love of art
from her mother and began drawing and painting at five years old. She
continued her art into her teens, but at the age of seventeen began to
focus more in writing and performing. Uncomplicated and concise Kaur’s poetry has been criticized for being too simplistic. Parody accounts have shown up on Twitter that intend to show how easy it is to write a Rupi Kaur poem – the gist being you take any conversation, format it in all lowercase and insert random line breaks. With almost 2
million followers, Kaur has made her straightforward poetry about
love, heartbreak and womanhood a global sensation . Rupi Kaur non
ha bisogno di presentazioni: è la
poetessa di Instagram, ha
sovvertito il mercato editoriale dimostrando che la poesia e
l’autopubblicazione vendono. Questo grazie alla
popolarità acquisita sui social network, certo, ma i like non
bastano affinché un’opera letteraria funzioni. Ciò che
rende merito a Kaur è aver reso la poesia accessibile a chi usa i
social come veicolo principale per comprendere il mondo e sé stessi.
La sua fortuna è aver colto il compromesso perfetto fra l’aura della
poesia e il meccanismo che rende virale la parola scritta.
La sua è una lingua semplice ma non semplificata, immediata e che
parla per immagini potenti. Potremmo scrollarne le pagine come in un
feed e toccherebbe comunque il cuore .
. - listed in the BBC 100 Women in 2017 - classifica dei primi dieci poeti piu venduti in america 2017 : 1a - rupi kaur - CLASSIFICA ITALIA 2017-2018 : 3A RUPI KAUR - traduzioni in circa 35 lingue : al 2023 -
- . |
the sun and her flowers 5 capitoli : l'appassire - il cadere - il radicare - il crescere - il fiorire
Rupi Kaur ha cominciato a scrivere poesie per guarire, per dare un nome a ciò che il corpo non dimentica, per accorgersi di essere ancora intera.
la repubblica ...
come l'arcobaleno .
being an immigrant is a funny little
thing. i’ve
spent a lot of time thinking about what it means for me. because
whether i like it or not- it has impacted a majority of my life.
i grew up.
like many of you immigrant children. teeter-tottering two very
different worlds. at home i had to be the obedient little girl who
did exactly as she was told- or suffer the consequences.
i spoke when spoken to.
could not change my appearance or attitude to fit in with the other
kids. that’s how the culture was. .
the making of my illustrations from
beginning to end : first i make a rough sketch of what comes to mind
when i read the poem . then i illustrate the drawing on adobe
illustrator using the trackpad on my laptop . yes i know there are
better tools out there 🙃🙃🙃 believe me i’ve tried allllll the
fancy digital pens and hated the feeling cause i’ve been doing it
this way since 2013 😂 i think i gotta stick with it . .
irony of loneliness
what good am i
if i do not fill the plates
of the ones who fed me
but fill the plates of strangers
fb/k - 27.9.2019
when you plunged the knife into me
fb/rk - 21.11.2022
this is the recipe
of life cosa c'è di più forte what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still
lives . |
ora .
non piango per
stiamo morendo
hai portato il
sole con te
ho teso la mano verso l'ultimo mazzo
di fiori
te ne sei andato l'appassire .
abbandonare la
sua terra
quando nevica . when snow falls i long for grass .
a personal fav from chapter one page 53 .
ho ridotto il mio corpo
perché non somigliava ai loro i was already living in one . |
VIDEO - - rupi kaur on her process in creating illustrations for her poems
- fightracism 2019
i'm taking
my body back - we - 2019 - - fb/rk - rupi kaur live - intervista - 2021 - intervista - 2019 - fb/rk - covid crisis in india - 2021 - unpublished poem - world tour - 2022
. the sun and her flowers all yours. it has been an absolute honour to design this hardcover. i wanted to create a beautiful memory that spoke to what’s inside #thesunandherflowers. something i’d be proud to see on your bookshelves. i hope you’ll enjoy having it as much as i enjoyed making it for you . fb/rk - 23.10.2018 . Bibliografia
- . |
home body In home body,
Rupi Kaur accompagna i lettori in un viaggio intimo e profondo
dentro di sé che ripercorre il passato, si sofferma sul presente e
guarda al futuro. Riflettendo su se stessa, ricorda ai lettori di
abbracciare il cambiamento, riempiendo ogni giorno la vita di amore,
accettazione, comunità, famiglia. Anche attraverso magnifiche
illustrazioni, affronta i temi della natura e dell'educazione, della
luce e dell'oscurità .
‘home body’ is
a love letter to the self . ...
i hope when this little piece of
my heart falls into your hands it meets you where you’re at .
of course i’m nervous . of course i can’t wait to hear
what you think !!! but mostly i’m grateful to share my
heart and art with you ... ... abuse is complicated . talking about it is hard . so when we're having these conversations in our daily lives let's do more listening - and less talking at survivors . fb/rk - 25.11.2020 . this is what
depression feels like . the suffocation .
the feeling frozen . stuck . trapped
in the suffering of your own mind . it’s like no
matter how far you run and you run and you run to escape this room -
there’s no way out . there’s no end to it .
you never hit a wall . or find a window . or
a light switch . it’s vast and all encompassing .
i'm in the darkest room of my life fb/k - 22.2.2021 .
i will never have ... while
writing it ... i realized if i didn’t learn to enjoy who i was in
the present - i wouldn’t know how enjoy who i was in the future. ... . to all those
fighting against the many illnesses that attack our mental health -
i stand with you . you aren’t alone .
even if your mind might be screaming that you are .
you are not your thoughts . you are not what happened to
you .
i am not a victim of my life . ... .
2022 -
Healing Through Words
- 2022 New York Times bestselling author Rupi Kaur presents guided poetry writing exercises of her own design to help you explore themes of trauma, loss, heartache, love, family, healing, and celebration of the self . - - 2022
Healing Through Words
is a journey of self-exploration
through guided writing exercises. across 300 pages i share allll my
writing secrets, along with anecdotes, poems, and drawings. preorder
now via the link in my bio
. ❤️❤️❤️...
ci stimola a scrivere parole e disegnare per conoscerci in modo
sincero. Ci guida attraverso semplici indicazioni a fare della penna
il tramite che si connette al cuore e alla mente, scavando e
liberandoci grazie ad una connessione con il nostro "io" profon |
writing prompts - balance |
FESTIVAL DELLE IDEE - l’instapoet a
venezia Teatro Malibran |
i won't let go cause
there is
bees came for honey the sun and her flowers
trust your body
let it go
like the rainbow
it isn't what we left behind - rupi kaur
i felt like you threw me so far from myself i've been trying to find my way back ever since . been feeling a deep melancholy these past few weeks that’s been hard to shake off - rupi kaur fb/rk - 1.9.2020 |
. i social media cambiano la natura della poesia ?
Alcune persone dicono che questa è solo
una cosa temporanea ma spero che non sia così.
I social media stanno cambiando così tante diverse industrie che il
mondo del libro è solo uno di questi. Credo sia
fantastico soprattutto per le persone che altrimenti non avrebbero
accesso all’industria editoriale o che altrimenti non avrebbero la
rete o le risorse per fare strada attraverso quella porta -rk . .
. . love for yourself . love for others . love to the world . its people. the earth . finding your passions . the fights that need to be fought . continuing to raise our voice against injustices .
doing . moving .
building . and striving for the light . .
i will spend my entire life writing
i will leave behind volumes upon volumes
of work. and they will barely scratch the surface.
the making of a drawing .
step one . pen to paper . where it always
- 2021 . screen-printing is an escape - serigrafia 2021 . - STATIONERY 2023 . . . world poetry gay
your art .
i’ve been on
the road for only a week and feel like it’s all going so fast
that i already miss it !!!! but this morning i had
to pull myself out of that thought cause it was taking me away from
the present moment. i had to remind myself that
i’m here !!! it’s only the beginning !!
it’s happening. and there’s sooooo many months left to go why am i
already grieving the end when i could be here right now !!!!!!
and !! enjoy !!! every !!! moment !!!!
❤️ as i was rehearsing this morning for tonight’s show this poem
reminded me to be present 🌸:
get so lost |
AMAZZONIA i’m deeply saddened
by the destruction in the amazon.
we should all be heartbroken. we should
all be saddened and outraged. this is the only home we have and
we’re watching it burn to the ground. i want action. i want us to do
all we can. which starts with listening to scientists about climate
change and environmental degradation. as well as reexamining
corporate misuse of what little rainforest cover we have left. and
how we — through the governments we elect and the companies we
support — are willful collaborators of our own destruction.
look at what
they've done |
. il modo in cui ti ami è il modo in cui insegni agli altri ad amarti milk and honey
. anche se le si separa finiscono per riunirsi non si possono separare gli amanti per quanto le strappi con la pinzetta le mie sopracciglia trovano sempre la strada per stare insieme . monosopracciglio the sun and her flowers - il sole e i suoi fiori - pag 217
altri autori