ru pi   ka ur

4 ottobre 1992
queen of the 'instapoets'



your mother
is in the habit of
offering more love
than you can cary
your father is absent
you are a war
the border between two countries
the collateral damage
the paradox that joins the two
but also splits them apart
pag 32  - rupi kaur


the apology
never comes
when it is wanted

and when it comes
it is neither wanted
nor needed

you are too late -  pag 163 - rupi kaur


sei nata con la debolezza di
sei nata anche con la forza di


magari non sei stato il mio primo amore
ma sei stato l'amore che ha reso
tutti gli altri amori


non voglio averti
per riempire i vuoti in me
voglio essere piena già di mio
voglio essere così completa
da poter illuminare una città intera
e dopo
voglio averti
perché noi due messi insieme
potremmo incendiarla


nulla è più sicuro
del suono di te
che mi leggi qualcosa
- l'appuntamento perfetto


in giorni
come questo
ho bisogno che tu
mi passi le dita
fra i capelli
e parli piano
- tu

pag 72  - rupi kaur



in love

with your solitude


you cannot leave
and have me too
i cannot exist in
two places at once
when you ask if we can still be friends - rupi kaur

fb/rk - 28.11.2018





what i miss most is how you loved me  .

but what i didn't know was how you loved me had so much to do with the person i was. it was a reflection of everything i gave you. coming back to me. how did i not see that. how. did i sit here soaking in the idea that no one else would love me that way. when it was i that taught you. when it was i that showed you how to fill. the way i needed to be filled. how cruel i was to myself. giving you credit for my warmth simply because you had felt it. thinking it was you who gave me strength. wit. beauty. simply because you recognized it. as if i was already not these things before i met you. as if i did not remain all these things after you left. 

fb/rk -12.9.2019



milk and honey


milk and honey - Una poesia breve, vissuta e schietta che affronta temi imprescindibili come il femminismo, l’amore, il trauma e la guarigione in versi che scorrono veloci come musica.

the new york times


7 years ago today i self-published ‘milk and honey’ while starting my last year in university.
prior to this i was trying to get my poems published in anthologies, literary magazines, and journals. but they weren’t being accepted so i stopped trying. i was writing about my experiences as a young punjabi sikh girl coming of age and i was pretty sure the people making decisions on what gets published didn’t understand that perspective. i also realized that my readers probably weren’t even reading those anthologies and magazines in the first place. so that wasn’t how i’d connect with them.
i then self-published with the support of my friends. i expected to sell some copies, graduate, and move on. but the universe had other plans. wherever i went to perform i brought a box of books with me and a sibling to help. while i performed my younger sisters hand sold copies. you bought so many and spread the word so hard it caught the attention of publishers. they were like “what the heck is this self-published book doing showing up on our bestsellers lists and how the heck is it poetry?!?”.
at that point ‘milk and honey’ got picked up by a publisher. spent over 100 weeks on the new york times bestsellers list and sold millions of copies. i would’ve never guessed in a million trillion bajillion years any of this would happen. i still don’t believe any of this is actually real. ashton kutcher is probably about to pop out of nowhere and scream “punked!”. growing up as a first generation immigrant in a working class community.... i didn’t dare dream this. i grew up worrying about how to find enough security to one day take care of my parents. the way they took care of me- even when they had nothing.
this book changed my life. you changed my life. thank you to the universe and beyond ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
fb/rk - 14.11.2021

over the last few months parts of texas and oregon have banned or attempted to ban ‘milk and honey’ from schools and libraries.    why ?    because it explores sexual assault and violence experienced by a young woman . the banning of ‘milk and honey’ along with an ever growing list of literature is dangerously terrifying. banning books is the banning of culture and experiences for everybody ...
fb/rk - 22.4.2022  -


✨2024 ‘milk and honey’ agenda ✨
‘milk and honey’ represented my rebellion and hope. it taught me that through the journey of life, self-care is essential for longevity and fulfillment. i created this agenda with that journey in mind. i’ve always added my own special elements to the agendas i’ve used to help me reflect on moments of joy, take inventory of my efforts, and envision the future ...
fb/rk - 29.8.2023


li tratti come se
avessero un cuore come il tuo
ma non tutti
sanno essere altrettanto
teneri e delicati
non vedi la
persona che essi sono
vedi la persona
che saprebbero essere
continui a dare fino a quando
ti tirano via tutto
lasciandoti vuota



voglio scusarmi con tutte le donne
che ho definito belle
prima di definirle intelligenti o coraggiose
scusate se ho fatto figurare
le vostre semplicissime qualità innate
come le prime di cui andar fiere quando il vostro
spirito ha sbriciolato montagne
d’ora in poi dirò cose come
siete resilienti o siete straordinarie
non perché non vi ritenga belle
ma perché siete ben più di questo



so che è difficile
so che sembra che
non ci sia un domani
e che l'oggi sia il giorno
più difficile da passare
ma ti garantisco che lo passerai
passerà il dolore
come sempre
se gli dai tempo e glielo
permetti e allora lascialo andare
come una promessa infranta
lascia andare



se non basti e te stessa

non basterai mai a qualcun altro


tu sei il vago confine
tra la fede
e la cieca attesa



sboccia magnificamente



sboccia dolcemente

o come vuoi

ma sboccia



 it takes grace
to remain kind
in cruel situations



the thing about having
an alcoholic parent
is an alcoholic parent
does not exist.
an alcoholic
who could not stay sober
long enough to raise their kids



your name is

the strongest

positive and negative

connotation in any language

it either lights me up or

leaves me aching for days

pag 67  -rupi kaur



you must
want to spend
the rest of your life
with yourself



il guarire
devi instaurare una relazione
con te stessa
prima di chiunque alto



voglio restare tanto
radicata al suolo che
queste lacrime
queste mani
questi piedi
- per terra



mi guardi e gridi
mi fa male tutto
ti stringo e bisbiglio
ma tutto può guarire



love will come
and when love comes
love will hold you
love will call your name
and you will melt
sometimes though
love will hurt you but
love will never mean to
love will play no games
cause love knows life
has been hard enough already


l'amore verrà
e quando l'amore verrà
l'amore ti stringerà
l'amore ti chiamerà per nome
e ti squaglierai
talvolta però
l'amore ti farà male ma
l'amore non lo farà mai apposta
l'amore non farà giochetti
perché l'amore sa che la vita
è stata già abbastanza dura


punjabi  ਰੂਪੀ ਕੌਰ  -  october 4, 1992 - queen of the  i n s t a p o e t s

the term 'insta poet' is often touted when describing rupi.    i asked what her thoughts were .   she responded :

. it depends on the connotation, there's some people that have used it positively because they're like :  'oh this is incredible because i never read poetry but feel this in my heart and i saw it through a platform that i used all the time' - and then there's the other consideration where  :   'this is insta poetry and not real poetry' - that's interesting because i think it's demeaning to my readers.   many of whom are young women .
stephanie pak - arcadia magazine - fb/rk 17.10.2018


Kaur was born into a Sikh family in Punjab, India. She immigrated to Canada with her parents when she was four years old. Unable to speak English with other children at her school, Kaur was inspired by her mother to draw and paint. She would write poems to her friends on their birthdays and messages to her middle school crushes. She attended Turner Fenton Secondary School.
Kaur studied rhetoric and professional writing at the University of Waterloo. Later, she and her family moved to Brampton.   She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario.  -  -

nella scrittura di rupi kaur non ci sono maiuscole

quando comincio a scrivere poesia alle superiori ho un profondo desiderio di scrivere nella mia lingua madre.    c’è bellezza nel suo disegno.   la gurmukhi è una scrittura punjabi che usa solo il punto.    nessun altro segno d’interpunzione.   tutte le lettere sono trattate allo stesso modo.    nessuna distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole.     mi piace questa semplicità.   quant’è simmetrica e assolutamente inequivocabile.    per un po’ cerco di scrivere poesia in punjabi.   ma non ci riesco perché non so utilizzare questa lingua in modo abbastanza viscerale. mi domando cosa accadrebbe se includessi alcune sue caratteristiche nelle mie opere in inglese.   solo punti.    tutto in minuscolo.     è così che nasce la forma visiva di milk and honey.
redazione - 2018

omaggio alla sua prima lingua, il gurmukhi, considerato sacro :  nella scrittura gurmukhi tutte le lettere sono trattate allo stesso modo.   

mi piace questa semplicità.    questa simmetria e questo andare sempre avanti.    è una rappresentazione visuale di quello che vorrei vedere più spesso nel mondo:    uguaglianza. per proteggere questi piccoli dettagli della mia lingua li includo in quest’altra lingua ...
Milk and honey è diviso in quattro parti o fasi  :  the hurting-il ferire, the loving-l’amare, the breaking-lo spezzare, the healing-il guarire.
mio padre una volta mi ha detto che il miele è l’unica cosa che non muore. non importa da quanto tempo è in quel barattolo, dieci anni o cento, il miele, nel suo stato naturale e grezzo, vive per sempre, e penso che sia semplicemente la cosa più bella ...


trovi che il messaggio della poesia sia potenziato o annacquato dal mezzo social network ?
La questione si può vedere da due punti di vista del tutto diversi. Da una parte i social network potenziano immensamente il messaggio, non credo che - almeno dove vivo io, in Canada - la comunità letteraria sarebbe disposta ad apprezzare un libro come il mio milk and honey, perché non lo sente come proprio.    È un libro che non ha nulla di canadese, arriva da una giovane immigrata dalla pelle marrone e quindi passerebbe sotto silenzio se non avesse dalla sua parte la forza dei social network.     D’altro canto i social non sono il luogo d’elezione della comunità di chi fa letteratura:  si parla di Instapoets infatti, con un tono un po’ dispregiativo.    Il mio sforzo quindi sin dall’inizio è stato bilanciare queste due forze:   far accettare la mia poesia dalla comunità degli addetti ai lavori e degli scrittori e al tempo stesso diffonderla tra il grande pubblico attraverso i nuovi media .

She inherited her love of art from her mother and began drawing and painting at five years old.   She continued her art into her teens, but at the age of seventeen began to focus more in writing and performing.

Uncomplicated and concise    Kaur’s poetry has been criticized for being too simplistic.    Parody accounts have shown up on Twitter that intend to show how easy it is to write a Rupi Kaur poem – the gist being you take any conversation, format it in all lowercase and insert random line breaks.

With almost 2 million followers, Kaur has made her straightforward poetry about love, heartbreak and womanhood a global sensation .
shannon carlin -

Rupi Kaur non ha bisogno di presentazioni: è la poetessa di Instagram, ha sovvertito il mercato editoriale dimostrando che la poesia e l’autopubblicazione vendono.   Questo grazie alla popolarità acquisita sui social network, certo, ma i like non bastano affinché un’opera letteraria funzioni.   Ciò che rende merito a Kaur è aver reso la poesia accessibile a chi usa i social come veicolo principale per comprendere il mondo e sé stessi.   La sua fortuna è aver colto il compromesso perfetto fra l’aura della poesia e il meccanismo che rende virale la parola scritta.   La sua è una lingua semplice ma non semplificata, immediata e che parla per immagini potenti. Potremmo scrollarne le pagine come in un feed e toccherebbe comunque il cuore .
marta traverso - - 2019


- listed in the BBC 100 Women in 2017

- classifica dei primi dieci poeti piu venduti in america 2017   :   1a - rupi kaur


- traduzioni in circa 35 lingue : al 2023 -  -


the sun and her flowers
il sole e i suoi fiori

 5 capitoli :  l'appassire - il cadere - il radicare - il crescere - il fiorire


Rupi Kaur ha cominciato a scrivere poesie per guarire, per dare un nome a ciò che il corpo non dimentica, per accorgersi di essere ancora intera.

la repubblica
Questa è la ricetta della vita disse mia madre tenendomi fra le braccia mentre piangevo pensa a quei fiori che pianti in giardino ogni anno t'insegneranno che anche le persone devono appassire -  cadere - radicare - crescere - per poter fiorire - rk


come l'arcobaleno
dopo la pioggia
la gioia si rivelerà
dopo il dolore


being an immigrant is a funny little thing.    i’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what it means for me. because whether i like it or not- it has impacted a majority of my life.    i grew up.    like many of you immigrant children. teeter-tottering two very different worlds. at home i had to be the obedient little girl who did exactly as she was told- or suffer the consequences.   i spoke when spoken to. could not change my appearance or attitude to fit in with the other kids. that’s how the culture was.
at school i tried so badly to be like every other western kid.   but given the strictness i lived with- that wasn’t easy.    whether at home or school it felt like i was always losing.    it was impossible to fit into either of these places completely.    which left me feeling like an outcast in both.
when i stepped into my early twenties and finally had some agency i eventually embraced my immigrant history.     it's something many of us go through.    and i laughed to myself when i realized something: i feel so brown when i’m in canada. so brown. because that automatically sets me apart here - and hardly ever for the right reasons. and then i go back to punjab. and holyyyyyyyy mother.    i feel so godamn canadian.    when we’re hanging out in the village and there’s water buffalo and chickens roaming around our front yard - i forget my brownness for a second (cause big whoop- over there everyone is brown and busy dealing with greater oppressive forces).    and that’s how i came to write this poem.    i realized that being an immigrant feels like being a bridge between both countries.     i can’t fully step into and just belong to one.   i’m somewhere in the middle.   being an immigrant is being the bridge between the last generation and the next.   and damn.    that’s a beautiful thing.


the making of my illustrations from beginning to end : first i make a rough sketch of what comes to mind when i read the poem . then i illustrate the drawing on adobe illustrator using the trackpad on my laptop . yes i know there are better tools out there 🙃🙃🙃 believe me i’ve tried allllll the fancy digital pens and hated the feeling cause i’ve been doing it this way since 2013 😂 i think i gotta stick with it .
fb/rk - 10.8.2020


the irony of loneliness
is we all feel it
at the same time

- together - fb/rk - 1.12.2022

they have no idea what it's like
to lose home at the risk of
never finding home again
to have your entire life
split between two lands and
become the bridge between two countries
. immigrant - rupi kaur
fb/rk - 14.1.2019



what good am i

 if i do not fill the plates

of the ones who fed me

but fill the plates of strangers
family first - rupi kaur

fb/k - 27.9.2019



when you plunged the knife into me
you also began bleeding
my wound became your wound
didn't you know
love is a double-edged knife
you will suffer the way you make me suffer

fb/rk - 21.11.2022




this is the recipe of life
said my mother
as she held me in her arms as i wept
think of those flowers you plant
in the garden each year
they will teach you
that people too
must wilt
in order to bloom
fb/rk - 4.8.2020


cosa c'è di più forte
del cuore umano
che si schianta di continuo
e ancora vive

what is stronger than the human heart

which shatters over and over and still lives


non è il momento
di tacere
nè di farsi spazio
visto che di spazio non ne abbiamo avuto
è il momento
di essere sfacciati
fare tutto il rumore che ci serve
per farci sentire




non piango per infelicità
piango perchè pur avendo tutto
sono infelice

pag 98



stiamo morendo
fin da quando siamo qui
scordando di goderci il panorama
vivere appieno - pag 82

eri mio
e la mia vita era piena
non sei più mio
e la mia vita
è piena
pag 83



hai portato il sole con te
pag 35



ho teso la mano verso l'ultimo mazzo di fiori
che mi hai regalato
e che ora appassivano nel vaso
li ho decapitati
e mangiati
pag 15



te ne sei andato
e io ti volevo ancora
però meritavo qualcuno
disposto a restare





ho detto ai fiori
cosa farei per te
e sono sbocciati
pag 176


abbandonare la sua terra
non fu facile per mia madre
ancora la sorprendo a cercarla
nei film stranieri
e nel reparto cibi esotici
pag 123


quando nevica
bramo l'erba
quando cresce l'erba
la calpesto
quando le foglie cambiano colore
imploro fiori
quando sbocciano fiori
li colgo
. ingrata - pag 74


when snow falls i long for grass
when grass grows i walk all over it
when leaves change color i beg for flowers
when flowers bloom i pick them


you ask
if we can still be friends
i explain how a honeybee
does not dream of kissing
the mouth of a flower
and then settle for its leaves
i don't need more friends - rupi kaur

a personal fav from chapter one page 53
fb/rk - 30.10.2019




ho ridotto il mio corpo all'estetica
dimenticando la sua opera di tenermi in vita
a ogni palpito e respiro
dichiarando un colossale fiasco

perché non somigliava ai loro
ho cercato dappertutto un miracolo
stupida al punto di non accorgermi
di viverne già uno

i reduced my body to aesthetics
forgot the work it did to keep me alive
with every beat and breath
declared it a grand failure for not looking like theirs
searched everywhere for a miracle
foolish enough to not realise

 i was already living in one


VIDEO  -  -   rupi kaur on her process in creating illustrations for her poems  -  fightracism 2019  -  rupi kaur performs the poem fingers from her book the sun and her flowers   -  i'm taking my body back  -  intervista - 2018  -  we  -  2019  - - fb/rk -  rupi kaur live - intervista -  2021  -  rupi kaur reads timeless from her poetry collection the sun and her flowers - intervista - 2019  -  fb/rk -  covid crisis in india - 2021  - unpublished poem - world tour -  2022


the sun and her flowers all yours.   it has been an absolute honour to design this hardcover.   i wanted to create a beautiful memory that spoke to what’s inside #thesunandherflowers. something i’d be proud to see on your bookshelves.    i hope you’ll enjoy having it as much as i enjoyed making it for you .

fb/rk - 23.10.2018





home body
Rupi Kaur constantly embraces growth, and in home body, she walks readers through a reflective and intimate journey visiting the past, the present, and the potential of the self. home body is a collection of raw, honest conversations with oneself – reminding readers to fill up on love, acceptance, community, family, and embrace change. Illustrated by the author, themes of nature and nurture, light and dark, rest here. - 2020

In home body, Rupi Kaur accompagna i lettori in un viaggio intimo e profondo dentro di sé che ripercorre il passato, si sofferma sul presente e guarda al futuro. Riflettendo su se stessa, ricorda ai lettori di abbracciare il cambiamento, riempiendo ogni giorno la vita di amore, accettazione, comunità, famiglia. Anche attraverso magnifiche illustrazioni, affronta i temi della natura e dell'educazione, della luce e dell'oscurità . - 2020



io non sono i miei giorni peggiori

io non sono ciò che mi è accaduto

- rupi kaur



you are lonely
but you are not alone
there is a difference
si prova solitudine ma non si è soli  c'è differenza
- rupi kaur  - 
fb/k - 22.1.2021



our elders are not disposables
- rupi kaur



you do not belong to the future or the past
you belong right here   - rupi kaur   -  fb/rk 11.11.2020



maybe you’re not lost after all
maybe you’re just moving too fast




you are not alone
alone would be if
your heart no longer beat
and you lungs no longer pulled
and your breath no longer pushed
how are you alone if
an entire community lives in you

you have all of you on you side    - rupi kaur
fb/rk - 22.11.2020



i dive into the well of my body
and end up in another world
everything i need
already exists in me
there’s no need
to look anywhere else

 - rupi kaur



after feeling disconnected for so long
my mind and body are finally
coming back to each other
 - rupi kaur



live loud and proud like deserve
and reject their bullshit definition
of what a woman should look like

- rupi kaur



the way we rise

from every sorrow in life

is the most gorgeous thing i've seen

- rupi kaur  -  fb/rk  12.1.2021



the love of family
friends and community
is just as potent
as the love
of a romantic relationship

- rupi kaur



i am not my worst days
i am not what happened to me

reminder - rupi kaur




there is a conversation
happening inside you
pay deep attention
to what your inner world
is saying
- rupi kaur - fb/rk 3.3.2021




while every one else
was living their life in color
depression froze me in place
ch 1 - rupi kaur fb/rk 4.5.2021


i don't know what to do with a man
who wants to hold on to me
for the rest of our lives

- rupi kaur - fb/rk - 18.2.2021

non ho mai conosciuto un silenzio

più rumoroso di quello dell'ansia

- promemoria
- rupi kaur





being the loudest on earth's playgound
doesn't make us any more impotant than
the dirt we crush beneath our feet
we are nothing except air
and fire and water and soil
we are a people
who forget what we are made of
a people who talk about the weather
as if it's mundane and not magic
as if the oceans
are not holy water
as if the sky
is not a vision
as if the animals
are not our siblings
as if nature is not god
and rain is not god's tears
and we are not god's children
as if god is not the earth itself

 - rupi kaur



for the love of my life
i am trying my best to have hope
i'll keep greeting each morning
with an i will
when it feels like i can't
i will
i will
i will
met a day that will melt me
i will move and the sadness will
fall off my shoulders
to make room for joy
i will be full of color
i will touch the sky again

- rupi kaur  -   fb/rk 8.11.2020



the future
world of our dreams
can't be built on the
corruptions of the past

tear it down - rupi kaur


don't ask me why i didn't leave
he made my world so small
i couldn't see the exit

i'm surprised i got out at all  -  rupi kaur

fb/rk 25.11.2020



there are miracles in me
waiting their turn to happen
i am never giving up on myself

- rupi kaur - fb/rk 11.3.2021



there are days

when the light flickers

and then i remember

i am the light

i go in and

switch it back on

power - rupi kaur

fb/rk - 10.4.2021



i'm done trying to

prove myself

to myself

 fb/rk - 20.5.2021




i love you means
i want to love you

i love you means
i'll stay a little while longer

i love you means
i'm not sure how to leave

i love you means
i have nowhere else to go

- rupi kaur  - fb/rk - 9.6.2022


‘home body’ is a love letter to the self .
i began writing this book at a time i felt completely lost in both my inner and outer world .   ‘home body’ is about what broke my heart. and what put it back together .  i wrote while fighting a difficult battle with depression and anxiety. i wrote while getting help .  i wrote while getting better. i wrote on days i couldn’t make it out of bed .   on days i rejoiced in the company of friends .  i wrote when i hurt .   and when i cried .  i wrote when i found laughter again. i wrote about the support of sisters. i wrote when the world burned from the fires of injustice .  i wrote about the hope given to me by community .   i wrote when i saw my parents getting tossed out by a world that valued them solely for the labor they produced .   i wrote about honoring my mind and body so i could wake up and help build a world that serves all people .   ‘home body’ is how i learned to thunder .  roar .  and shine .
fb/rk - 14.9.2020

...  i hope when this little piece of my heart falls into your hands it meets you where you’re at .   of course i’m nervous .   of course i can’t wait to hear what you think !!!   but mostly i’m grateful to share my heart and art with you ...
fb/rk - 17.11.2020

...  abuse is complicated .    talking about it is hard .    so when we're having these conversations in our daily lives let's do more listening - and less talking at survivors .

fb/rk - 25.11.2020


this is what depression feels like .   the suffocation .   the feeling frozen .   stuck .    trapped in the suffering of your own mind .    it’s like no matter how far you run and you run and you run to escape this room - there’s no way out .    there’s no end to it .    you never hit a wall .   or find a window .   or a light switch .    it’s vast and all encompassing .
this is the opening poem in home body - an introduction to what the first chapter - ‘mind’ beholds .   don’t worry - by the end of the book we do escape this room and find ourselves standing beneath the sun #homebody ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ thank you to everyone who’s read the book and gone on this journey with me 🥺♥️ it’s the honour of my life

i'm in the darkest room of my life
  - rupi kaur

fb/k - 22.2.2021


i will never have
this version of me again
let me slow down
and be with her

always evolving    - rupi kaur

 ... while writing it ... i realized if i didn’t learn to enjoy who i was in the present - i wouldn’t know how enjoy who i was in the future. ...
fb/rk - 25.2.2021


to all those fighting against the many illnesses that attack our mental health - i stand with you .   you aren’t alone .    even if your mind might be screaming that you are .    you are not your thoughts .   you are not what happened to you .
what was that breakthrough moment in your mental health journey ?

page 43 from ‘home body’
estratto da fb/rk - 11.10.2022

i am not a victim of my life
what i went through
pulled a warrior out of me
and it is my greatest honor to be her

- rupi kaur


i often get asked :   which comes first ?   do i write the poem ?   or do i draw the illustration first  ?
for me, the poem comes first .   and when the poem’s complete i close my eyes and draw the first image that comes to mind .    if nothing comes to mind, i save the drawing for another day .

fb/rk - 18.5.2023


2022 -


Healing Through Words     -     2022

New York Times bestselling author Rupi Kaur presents guided poetry writing exercises of her own design to help you explore themes of trauma, loss, heartache, love, family, healing, and celebration of the self . -  -  2022

Healing Through Words    is a journey of self-exploration through guided writing exercises. across 300 pages i share allll my writing secrets, along with anecdotes, poems, and drawings. preorder now via the link in my bio  . ❤️❤️❤️...
fb/rk - 21.7.2022
Number One Sunday Times bestselling author Rupi Kaur presents guided poetry writing exercises of her own design to help you explore themes of truma, loss, heartache, love, family, healing and celebration of the self.
mondadoristore - 2022

... ci stimola a scrivere parole e disegnare per conoscerci in modo sincero. Ci guida attraverso semplici indicazioni a fare della penna il tramite che si connette al cuore e alla mente, scavando e liberandoci grazie ad una connessione con il nostro "io" profondo.
ilaria - 2022
guarire con le parole
l'idea di questo libro mi è venuta, alcuni anni fa, mentre tenevo laboratori di scrittura .   era un periodo carico d'angoscia e d'incertezza e avevo un forte desiderio di connettermi con altre persone, perché in fin dei conti non abbiamo altro che il nostro prossimo come punto di riferimento    -rk
ansa - 2023
guarire con le parole  -  - 2023

writing prompts - balance
examples of the prompts include  :
what does a balanced life look like for the people closest to you ? has this affected your definition of balance  ?
do you make time for rest  ?    Why or why not  ?
write a letter to yourself about what you’ve accomplished in your career, relationships, or social life .
what steps can you take to reduce burnout ?
amazon 2023
writing prompts  relationship
writing prompts  gratitude
writing prompts  self-love

 FESTIVAL DELLE IDEE - l’instapoet a venezia Teatro Malibran
con poesie dai suoi migliori successi -  - ottobre 2022

i won't let go cause
being alone hurts more
than chasing someone who's left
but if you've left
aren't i already alone
and surviving it
- rupi kaur



there is
nothing left
to worry about
the sun and her flowers are here
- rupi kaur


bees came for honey
flowers giggled as they
undressed themselves
for the taking
the sun smiled
the second birth -rupi kaur

the sun and her flowers




trust your body
it reacts to right and wrong
better than your mind does

it is speaking to you - rupi kaur
pag 212 the sun and the flowers


you might not have been my first love
but you were the love that made
all the other loves
- rupi kaur

let it go
let it leave
let it happen
in this world
was promised or
belonged to you
all you own is yourself - rupi kaur

perhaps i don't deserve
nice things cause i am
paying for sins i don't
- rupi kaur



like the rainbow
after the rain
joy will reveal itself
after sorrow
16.11.2018 - twitter 



it isn't what we left behind
that breaks me
its what we could've built
had we stayed

- rupi kaur



i felt like you threw me

so far from myself

i've been trying to find my way back

ever since

. been feeling a deep melancholy

these past few weeks that’s been hard to shake off 

- rupi kaur

fb/rk - 1.9.2020

today on #worldmentalhealthday i reflect on my own experiences with anxiety and depression.
it is the most difficult thing i’ve gone through. i reflect on the experiences of my parents and friends. i’ve seen how their lives and minds can deteriorate without proper care. many of us come from communities where “mental health” doesn’t exist and we are told depression can be cured with positive thinking and by keeping your head up. our experiences are intersectional so it’s impossible for me to encapsulate all my thoughts in one caption but i want to say: even when you feel most alone. especially when you feel most alone. you must remember we are right here with you. reach out to friends and family. friends and family i need you to reach out to those who you think are suffering and let them know you are on standby for support. to listen and let them be heard. together we can teach each other. and overcome diseases that are now one of the leading causes of death in our world.
sending all my love and light to you my beautiful people.
- rupi

when i woke up
the sun fell to the ground and rolled away
flowers beheaded themselves
all that's left alive here is me
and i barely feel like living
. depression is a shadow living inside me - rupi kaur
fb/rk - 11.10.2018


i social media cambiano la natura della poesia  ? 

Alcune persone dicono che questa è solo una cosa temporanea ma spero che non sia così.     I social media stanno cambiando così tante diverse industrie che il mondo del libro è solo uno di questi.    Credo sia fantastico soprattutto per le persone che altrimenti non avrebbero accesso all’industria editoriale o che altrimenti non avrebbero la rete o le risorse per fare strada attraverso quella porta   -rk
cecilia capurso - - 2019



i am water
soft enough
to offer life
tough enough
to drown it away
-rupi kaur



love for yourself .    love for others .     love to the world .     its people.     the earth .    

finding your passions .    the fights that need to be fought .  

continuing to raise our voice against injustices .    

doing .    moving  .     building .     and striving for the light .
fb/rk - 31.12.2018




#repost @rupikaur_
・・・  when i first saw @alexgarantart‘s art i lost my breath a little.    her work was alien.     yet human.     otherworldly.    but also from this world.     in life we all work so hard to appear well put together. both scared and ashamed to share the demons which haunt us.   but below the surface.    below our many masks.    aren’t we all just a beautiful mess.    a startling wreck.     this is the us that we are all working so hard to hide from each other.      this photograph that my sister @bsinghh took of me years ago was taken at a time when i only understood the world in simple ways. with my two eyes i thought that most things in this life would make sense.     and now - i don’t even recognize that girl anymore.      i have shed a thousand skins since that photo.      i have lost and found myself countless times.     and only now am i getting comfortable in the constant uncertainty and unfamiliarilty that is life.     i can finally accept that this life will be anything but simple.     and that’s absolutely okay.     in fact it’s beautiful.     there will still be joy.    there will still be light.     there will be everything.     and the only way to live this life fully is to surrender to its uncontrollable nature.    now i can see that.     now i have 8 eyes.     thank you @alexgarantart for capturing that.
fb/alexgarantart -  5.9.2019




i will spend my entire life writing

i will leave behind volumes upon volumes of work.    and they will barely scratch the surface.

our backs
tell stories
no books have
the spine to

le nostre schiene raccontano storie che nessun dorso di libro regge
donne di colore - women of colour
fb/rk - 15.10.2019


the making of a drawing .   step one .   pen to paper .   where it always begins
fb/rupi kaur 31.10.2019



fb/rk -  9.4.2021


screen-printing is an escape -  serigrafia  2021

. -  STATIONERY 2023




world poetry gay

your art
is not about how many people
like your work
your art
is about
if your heart likes your work
if your soul likes your work
it's about how honest
you are with yourself
and you
must never
trade honesty
for relatability
to all you young poets - rupi kaur
happy world poetry day - fb/rk 21.3.2024
testo da milk and honey



anxiety feels like i'm hanging
off the side of a building
and my hand is going to
slip any second
-rupi kaur fb/rk -7.1.2023


i am of the earth
and to the earth i shall return once more
life and death are old friends
and i am the conversation between them
i am their late-night chatter
their laughter and tears
what is thee to be afraid of
if i am the gift they give to each other
this place never belonged to me anyway
i have always been theirs

- rupi kaur - 29.1.2020






you do not just wake up and become the butterfly
growth is a process - rupi kaur

the sun and her flowers

it isn't blood that makes you my sister
it's how you understand my heart
as though you carry it
in your body
- rupi kaur 

fb/rk world tour - 13.4.2022



i’ve been on the road for only a week and feel like it’s all going so fast that i already miss it !!!!    but this morning i had to pull myself out of that thought cause it was taking me away from the present moment.    i had to remind myself that i’m here !!!    it’s only the beginning !!    it’s happening. and there’s sooooo many months left to go why am i already grieving the end when i could be here right now !!!!!!    and  !!  enjoy !!! every !!!   moment !!!!  ❤️ as i was rehearsing this morning for tonight’s show this poem reminded me to be present 🌸:
fb/rk - 12.5.2022

i get so lost
in where i want to go
i forget that the place i'm in
is already quite magical
- rupi kaur
home body


i’m deeply saddened by the destruction in the amazon. we should all be heartbroken. we should all be saddened and outraged. this is the only home we have and we’re watching it burn to the ground. i want action. i want us to do all we can. which starts with listening to scientists about climate change and environmental degradation. as well as reexamining corporate misuse of what little rainforest cover we have left. and how we — through the governments we elect and the companies we support — are willful collaborators of our own destruction.
above all — i’m heartbroken for the indigenous peoples of the amazon whose voices have been continuously silenced.
my heart shatters when i think of the ways we are wrecking our home. i’m sending support to all the environmental warriors and activists working tirelessly to build a true intersectional climate justice movement.
it’s 2019 — it’s our duty to vote out any politician who doesn’t think climate justice is a priority. it’s our duty to take matters into our own hands. to make the change they won’t. we don’t have much time left.
fb/rk - 26.8.2019

look at what they've done
the earth cried to the moon
they've turned me into one entire bruise
green and blue - rupi kaur


il modo in cui ti ami è il modo in cui insegni agli altri ad amarti

milk and honey


anche se le si separa

finiscono per riunirsi

non si possono separare gli amanti

per quanto

le strappi con la pinzetta

le mie sopracciglia trovano

sempre la strada

per stare insieme

. monosopracciglio

the sun and her flowers - il sole e i suoi fiori - pag 217

4 ottobre -  auguri !

altri autori         home