noam avram chomsky
. . . anche gli sforzi più elaborati non riescono a tirar fuori dal comportamento delle altre specie animali nemmeno le più elementari proprietà del linguaggio naturale - proprietà che invece ogni bambino umano acquisisce senza alcun problema. non c'è alcun dubbio che il linguaggio umano sia stato un fattore preminente nel successo biologico degli esseri umani. per successo biologico si intende il fatto che ci siano tantissimi esseri umani: questo è un successo biologico . . . I don't look at Twitter because it doesn't tell me anything fb/nc - 2015 ... Not one of us who has been trained to think critically and to write lucidly has the option to remain silent now fb/nc - 2017 ... It is only in folk tales, children's stories and the journals of intellectual opinion that power is used wisely and well to destroy evil The real world teaches very different lessons, and it takes willful and dedicated ignorance to fail to perceive them fb/nc - 2.1.2019 ... To live a life of honesty and integrity is a responsibility of every decent person fb/nc - 23.3.2019 ... Technology is usually fairly neutral It’s like a hammer, which can be used to build a house or to destroy someone’s home The hammer doesn’t care It is almost always up to us to determine whether the technology is good or bad fb/nc - 8.1.2019 ... We have two choices to abandon hope and ensure that the worst will happen or to make use of the opportunities that exist and contribute to a better world It is not a very difficult choice fb/nc - 5.6.2019 ... He who controls the media controls the minds of the public twitter/nc - 3.6.2020 ... It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies twitter/nc - 14.8.2020 ... The key element of social control is the strategy of distraction that is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by political and economic elites through the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information twitter/nc - 16.11.2020 ... Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain It's something you have to find out for yourself twitter/nc - 10.2.2021 ... The indoctrination is so deep that educated people think they’re being objective twitter/nc - 19.5.2021 ... Religion is based on the idea that God is an imbecile twitter/nc - 2.3.2021 ... All public resources go to the rich The poor, if they can survive in the labor market, fine Otherwise, they die That's economics in a nutshell twitter/nc 23.3.2021 ... How it is we have so much information but know so little ? twitter/nc - 9.4.2021 ... As long as the general population is passive, apathetic diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable then the powerful can do as they please and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome twitter/nc - 8.5.2021 ![]() |
If you have a 'good'
education Today, if you get a new edition of Animal Farm, you might find it there. The introduction is kind of interesting - he basically says what you all know: that the book is a critical, satiric analysis of the totalitarian enemy. But then he addresses himself to the people of free England; he says, “You shouldn’t feel too self-righteous.” He said in England, a free country, I’m virtually quoting: unpopular ideas can be suppressed without the use of force. And he goes on to give some examples, and, really, just a couple of common-sense explanations, which are to the point. One reason, he says, is: the press is owned by wealthy men who have every reason not to want certain ideas to be expressed. And the other, he says, essentially, is: it’s a good education. If you have a good education, you’ve gone to the best schools, you have internalized the understanding that there’s certain things it just wouldn’t do to say - and I think we can add to that, it wouldn’t do to think. And that’s a powerful mechanism. So, there are things you just don’t think, and you don’t say. That’s the result of effective education, effective indoctrination. If people - many people - don’t succumb to it, what happens to them? Well, I’ll tell you a story: I was in Sweden a couple years ago, and I noticed that taxi drivers were being very friendly, much more than I expected. And finally I asked one of them, “Why’s everyone being so nice?” He pulled out a T-shirt he said every taxi driver has, and the T-shirt had a picture of me and a quote in Swedish of something I’d said once when I was asked, “What happens to people of independent mind?” And I said, “They become taxi drivers.” - 2015 . It’s pretty ironic that the so-called ' least advanced ' people are the ones taking the lead in trying to protect all of us, while the richest and most powerful among us are the ones who are trying to drive the society to destruction . twitter 29.8.2020 . Leggere un libro non significa solo sfogliare le pagine . Significa riflettere, individuare le parti su cui tornare, interrogarsi su come inserirle in un contesto più ampio, sviluppare le idee . Non serve a niente leggere un libro se ci si limita a far scorrere le parole davanti agli occhi dimenticandosene dopo dieci minuti . Leggere un libro è un esercizio intellettuale, che stimola il pensiero, le domande, l’immaginazione . reading a book doesn’t mean just turning the pages. It means thinking about it, identifying parts that you want to go back to, asking how to place it in a broader context, pursuing the ideas. There’s no point in reading a book if you let it pass before your eyes and then forget about it ten minutes later. Reading a book is an intellectual exercise, which stimulates thought, questions, imagination. occupy |
. La massa non sa cosa sta succedendo nel mondo e non sa neanche di non saperlo The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know twitter/nc - 12.2.2021 . Discovery is the ability to be puzzled by simple things Scoprire è la capacità di lasciarsi disorientare dalle cose semplici . ![]() murale - artist nayer talal nayer - umm ruwaba - sudan - 2013 |
noam avram chomsky filadelfia 7 dicembre 1928 SOCIOLOGO - linguista - ebreo americano di origine russa. il padre william studioso di ebraismo e linguaggio ebraico influenzò il figlio nei suoi studi ma ancor più fu la madre elsie simonofsky nel suo sviluppo di pensatore ed attivista. l’intera famiglia - compreso il fratello david - fu sempre coinvolta nell’attività culturale ebraica. fondatore e caposcuola del generativismo intese spiegare sia gli aspetti creativi del linguaggio sia il suo carattere innato e la sua presenza nei primi stadi dello sviluppo infantile. nell'impegno politico sostenne un pacifismo radicale criticando l'imperialismo-colonialismo statunitense il sistema mediatico e il suo impatto sulla società. è oratore carismatico determinato dotato di analisi acuta ed attenta. affrontò appassionatamente gruppi pro-israele anti-comunisti e pro-guerra fredda. le violente reazioni lo obbligarono a ricorrere alla polizia in borghese. docente presso la facoltà linguistica mit - massachusetts è l'autore più citato per la profondità delle sue opere.